20090119Released libg3d 0.0.8 "there is always one bug left".20090116Finally released libg3d 0.0.7. A new G3DViewer release should follow soon[tm].20080718Just a little advertisement: on November 1st the 5th Brandenburger Linux-Infotag takes place in Potsdam, Germany. Most stuff will be in German, though.20080128Thanks to git I can now put my development trees onto a dumb web server. You can find something to check out (orclone in this case) on the git page.
20071030Started to put my unfinished projects online. Perhaps some of this old code may be useful for one or the other.20070807
Interested in classic and non-PC hardware and not too far away from
Berlin/Germany? Come to the Brandenburger Linux-Infotag 2007 on
October 20th 2007 and join our Hardware
Exhibition (on demand I'll write an english version of this page).
Interesse an klassischer (nicht-PC-)Hardware und Lust auf einen Abstecher in die Nähe von Berlin? Mach mit bei unserer Hardware-Ausstellung anlässlich des Brandenburger Linux-Infotags 2007 am 20. Oktober 2007. What's this page about? I don't know... |